The 47_regipol module includes region specific policies.
The regiCarbonPrice
realization allow to determine region specific year or budget targets for CO2 or GHG emissions.
Description | Unit | A | |
cm_startyear | first optimized modelling time step | \(year\) | x |
pm_taxCO2eq (ttot, all_regi) |
CO2 tax path in T$/GtC = $/kgC. To get $/tCO2, multiply with 272 | \(T\$/GtC\) | x |
pm_taxCO2eq_iteration (iteration, ttot, all_regi) |
save CO2eq tax used in iteration | x | |
pm_ts (tall) |
(t_n+1 - t_n-1)/2 for a timestep t_n | x | |
sm_c_2_co2 | conversion from c to co2 | x | |
sm_DptCO2_2_TDpGtC | Conversion multiplier to go from \(/tCO2 to T\)/GtC: 44/12/1000 | x | |
vm_emiAll (ttot, all_regi, all_enty) |
total regional emissions. | \(GtC, Mt CH4, Mt N\) | x |
vm_emiMacSector (ttot, all_regi, all_enty) |
total non-energy-related emission of each region. | \(GtC, Mt CH4, Mt N\) | x |
vm_emiTe (ttot, all_regi, all_enty) |
total energy-related emissions of each region. | \(GtC, Mt CH4, Mt N\) | x |
vm_emiTeDetail (ttot, all_regi, all_enty, all_enty, all_te, all_enty) |
energy-related emissions per region and technology | x |
Limitations There are no known limitations.
The regiCarbonPrice
realization allow to determine region specific year or budget targets for CO2 or GHG emissions.
This allows to determine regions with more (or less) stringent carbon policies than the World targets.
Ex.: EU emission targets are tipically more stringent than other World regions.
The regiCarbonPrice
realization allow to determine region specific year or budget targets for CO2 or GHG emissions.
This allows to determine regions with more (or less) stringent carbon policies than the World targets.
Ex.: EU emission targets are tipically more stringent than other World regions.
The regiCarbonPrice
realization allow to determine region specific year or budget targets for CO2 or GHG emissions.
This allows to determine regions with more (or less) stringent carbon policies than the World targets.
Ex.: EU emission targets are tipically more stringent than other World regions.
Limitations There are no known limitations.
Description | Unit | A | |
p47_emissionsCurrent (ext_regi) |
previous iteration region GHG emissions | \(GtCO2\) | x |
p47_emiTarget (ttot, all_regi, emi_type) |
Emissions used for target level | x | |
p47_factorRescaleCO2Tax (ext_regi) |
tax rescale factor | x | |
p47_regiCO2target (ttot, ext_regi, target_type, emi_type) |
region GHG emissions target | \(GtCO2\) | x |
description | |
all_enty | all types of quantities |
all_regi | all regions |
all_te | all energy technologies, including from modules |
emi_type | emission type used in regional target |
enty(all_enty) | all types of quantities |
ext_regi | extended regions list (includes subsets of H12 regions) |
in(all_in) | All inputs and outputs of the CES function |
iteration | iterator for main (Negishi/Nash) iterations |
modules | all the available modules |
pe2se(all_enty, all_enty, all_te) | map primary energy carriers to secondary |
regi(all_regi) | all regions used in the solution process |
regi_group(ext_regi, all_regi) | region groups (regions that together corresponds to a H12 region) |
t(ttot) | modeling time, usually starting in 2005, but later for fixed delay runs |
tall | time index |
target_type | CO2 policy target type |
te(all_te) | energy technologies |
teBio(all_te) | biomass energy systems technologies |
ttot(tall) | time index with spin up |
Renato Rodrigues, Felix Schreyer