The 15_climate module calculates the resulting climate variables using either MAGICC6.4 or a stylized box model that can be used within the optimization routine.
Description | Unit | A | B | C | |
cm_emiscen | policy scenario choice | x | x | ||
cm_gdximport_target | whether or not the starting value for iteratively adjusted budgets, tax scenarios, or forcing targets (emiscen 5,6,8,9) should be read in from the input.gdx | x | |||
cm_iterative_target_adj | whether or not a tax or a budget target should be iteratively adjusted depending on actual emission or forcing level | x | |||
cm_multigasscen | scenario on GHG portfolio to be included in permit trading scheme | x | x | ||
cm_startyear | first optimized modelling time step | \(year\) | x | ||
pm_budgetCO2eq (all_regi) |
budget for regional energy-emissions in period 1 | x | |||
pm_emicapglob (tall) |
global emission cap | x | x | x | |
pm_globalMeanTemperature (tall) |
global mean temperature anomaly | x | |||
pm_globalMeanTemperatureZeroed1900 (tall) |
global mean temperature anomaly, zeroed around 1900 | x | |||
pm_pricePerm (ttot) |
permit price in special case when the marginal is only found in box module | x | |||
pm_taxCO2eq (ttot, all_regi) |
CO2 tax path in T$/GtC = $/kgC. To get $/tCO2, multiply with 272 | \(T\$/GtC\) | x | ||
pm_temperatureImpulseResponseCO2 (tall, tall) |
temperature impulse response to CO2 | \(K/GtCO2\) | x | ||
pm_ttot_val (ttot) |
value of ttot set element | x | |||
sm_budgetCO2eqGlob | budget for global energy-emissions in period 1 | x | x | ||
vm_emiAllGlob (ttot, all_enty) |
total global emissions - link to the climate module. | \(GtC, Mt CH4, Mt N\) | x | ||
vm_forcOs (ttot) |
Forcing overshoot | x |
In this realization, concentration, forcing, and temperature values are calculated using a simple model that can be used within the optimization routine.
Carbon Cycle. CO2 concentration is calculated using and Impulse-Response-Function Model with 3 time scales
\[\begin{multline*} v15\_conc(ta10,'CO2') = s15\_c0 + \left(\frac{\left(s15\_c2000-s15\_c0\right)}{\left(s15\_ca0 \cdot s15\_cq0+s15\_ca1 \cdot s15\_cq1+s15\_ca2 \cdot s15\_cq2+s15\_ca3 \cdot s15\_cq3\right)}\right) \cdot \left(s15\_ca0 \cdot s15\_cq0 + s15\_ca1 \cdot s15\_cq1 \cdot exp\left(-\frac{\left(ord(ta10)-1\right)}{s15\_ctau1}\right) + s15\_ca2 \cdot s15\_cq2 \cdot exp\left(-\frac{\left(ord(ta10)-1\right)}{s15\_ctau2}\right) + s15\_ca3 \cdot s15\_cq3 \cdot exp\left(-\frac{\left(ord(ta10)-1\right)}{s15\_ctau3}\right)\right) + s15\_cconvi \cdot \sum_{tx\$\left(ord(tx)lt ord(ta10)\right)}\left(v15\_emi(tx,'CO2') \cdot p15\_epsilon\left(ta10-ord(tx)\right)\right) \end{multline*}\]
CH4 concentration
\[\begin{multline*} \frac{ \left(v15\_conc(ta10,'CH4')-v15\_conc(ta10-1,'CH4')\right)}{s15\_DELTAT } = 0.5 \cdot \left( \left(\frac{1}{s15\_CNVCH4 } \cdot \left(v15\_emi(ta10,'CH4')+ s15\_NATCH4\right) - \left(\frac{p15\_conroh(ta10) }{ s15\_TAUCH4OH }+\frac{ 1 }{ s15\_TAUCH4SS}\right) \cdot v15\_conc(ta10,'CH4')\right) + \left(\frac{1}{s15\_CNVCH4} \cdot \left(v15\_emi(ta10-1,'CH4') + s15\_NATCH4\right) - \left(\frac{p15\_conroh(ta10-1) }{ s15\_TAUCH4OH }+\frac{ 1 }{ s15\_TAUCH4SS}\right) \cdot v15\_conc(ta10-1,'CH4')\right) \right) \end{multline*}\]
N20 concentration (from ACC2)
\[\begin{multline*} \frac{ \left(v15\_conc(ta10,'N2O')-v15\_conc(ta10-1,'N2O')\right)}{s15\_DELTAT } = 0.5 \cdot \left( \left(\frac{1}{s15\_CNVN2O } \cdot \left(v15\_emi(ta10,'N2O')+ s15\_NATN2O\right) - \left(\frac{1}{s15\_TAUN2O} \cdot \left(\frac{v15\_conc(ta10,'N2O')}{s15\_CONN2O2000R}\right)^{\left(-s15\_SENTAUN2O\right)} \cdot v15\_conc(ta10,'N2O')\right)\right) + \left(\frac{1}{s15\_CNVN2O } \cdot \left(v15\_emi(ta10-1,'N2O') + s15\_NATN2O\right) - \left(\frac{1}{s15\_TAUN2O} \cdot \left(\frac{v15\_conc(ta10-1,'N2O')}{s15\_CONN2O2000R}\right)^{\left(-s15\_SENTAUN2O\right)} \cdot v15\_conc(ta10-1,'N2O')\right)\right) \right) \end{multline*}\]
CO2 radiative forcing
\[\begin{multline*} v15\_forcComp(ta10,'CO2') = s15\_fcodb \cdot \frac{ log\left(\frac{v15\_conc(ta10,'CO2')}{s15\_c0}\right) }{ log(2) } \end{multline*}\]
CH4 radiative forcing (from ACC2)
\[\begin{multline*} v15\_forcComp(ta10,'CH4') = s15\_RHOCH4 \cdot \left(SQRTv15\_conc(ta10,'CH4') - SQRT(s15\_CONCH4PRE)\right) - s15\_OVERLFAC1 \cdot LOG\left(1 + s15\_OVERLFAC2 \cdot \left(v15\_conc(ta10,'CH4') \cdot s15\_CONN2OPRE\right)^{s15\_OVERLEXP1 }+ s15\_OVERLFAC3 \cdot v15\_conc(ta10,'CH4') \cdot \left(v15\_conc(ta10,'CH4') \cdot s15\_CONN2OPRE\right)^{s15\_OVERLEXP2 }\right) + s15\_OVERLFAC1 \cdot LOG\left(1 + s15\_OVERLFAC2 \cdot \left(s15\_CONCH4PRE \cdot s15\_CONN2OPRE\right)^{s15\_OVERLEXP1 }+ s15\_OVERLFAC3 \cdot s15\_CONCH4PRE \cdot \left(s15\_CONCH4PRE \cdot s15\_CONN2OPRE\right)^{s15\_OVERLEXP2 }\right) \end{multline*}\]
N2O radiative forcing (from ACC2)
\[\begin{multline*} v15\_forcComp(ta10,'N2O') = s15\_RHON2O \cdot \left(SQRTv15\_conc(ta10,'N2O')-SQRT(s15\_CONN2OPRE)\right) - s15\_OVERLFAC1 \cdot LOG\left(1 + s15\_OVERLFAC2 \cdot \left(s15\_CONCH4PRE \cdot v15\_conc(ta10,'N2O')\right)^{s15\_OVERLEXP1 }+ s15\_OVERLFAC3 \cdot s15\_CONCH4PRE \cdot \left(s15\_CONCH4PRE \cdot v15\_conc(ta10,'N2O')\right)^{s15\_OVERLEXP2 }\right) + s15\_OVERLFAC1 \cdot LOG\left(1 + s15\_OVERLFAC2 \cdot \left(s15\_CONCH4PRE \cdot s15\_CONN2OPRE\right)^{s15\_OVERLEXP1 }+ s15\_OVERLFAC3 \cdot s15\_CONCH4PRE \cdot \left(s15\_CONCH4PRE \cdot s15\_CONN2OPRE\right)^{s15\_OVERLEXP2 }\right) \end{multline*}\]
SO2 radiative forcing
\[\begin{multline*} v15\_forcComp(ta10,'SO2') = s15\_dso1990 \cdot \frac{ v15\_emi(ta10,'SO2') }{ s15\_so1990 }+ s15\_iso1990 \cdot \frac{ log\left(1 +\frac{ v15\_emi(ta10,'SO2')}{s15\_enatso2}\right) }{ log\left(1 +\frac{ s15\_so1990}{s15\_enatso2}\right) } \end{multline*}\]
BC and OC from fossil fuels radiative forcing; scales linear with emissions.
\[\begin{multline*} v15\_forcComp(ta10,'BC') = \left(\frac{v15\_emi(ta10,'BC') }{ s15\_bc2005}\right) \cdot p15\_oghgf\_ffbc('2005') \end{multline*}\]
\[\begin{multline*} v15\_forcComp(ta10,'OC') = \left(\frac{v15\_emi(ta10,'OC') }{ s15\_oc2005}\right) \cdot p15\_oghgf\_ffoc('2005') \end{multline*}\]
Total radiative forcing (foghg given exogenously)
\[\begin{multline*} v15\_forcComp(ta10,'TTL') = hv15\_forcComp(ta10,'CO2') + v15\_forcComp(ta10,'SO2') + v15\_forcComp(ta10,'CH4') + v15\_forcComp(ta10,'N2O') + v15\_forcComp(ta10,'BC') + v15\_forcComp(ta10,'OC') + v15\_forcComp(ta10,'oghg\_nokyo') + v15\_forcComp(ta10,'oghg\_kyo') \end{multline*}\]
Total radiative forcing of Kyoto gases
\[\begin{multline*} v15\_forcKyo(ta10) = v15\_forcComp(ta10,'CO2') + v15\_forcComp(ta10,'CH4') + v15\_forcComp(ta10,'N2O') + v15\_forcComp(ta10,'oghg\_kyo') \end{multline*}\]
RCP forcing
\[\begin{multline*} v15\_forcRcp(ta10) = v15\_forcComp(ta10,'CO2') + v15\_forcComp(ta10,'CH4') + v15\_forcComp(ta10,'N2O') + v15\_forcComp(ta10,'oghg\_kyo') + v15\_forcComp(ta10,'SO2') + v15\_forcComp(ta10,'BC') + v15\_forcComp(ta10,'OC') + v15\_forcComp(ta10,'oghg\_nokyo\_rcp') \end{multline*}\]
Temperature equations, consisting of a fast and a slow response function
\[\begin{multline*} v15\_tempFast(ta10) = s15\_RPCTA1 \cdot \frac{ s15\_temp2000 }{ s15\_tsens} \end{multline*}\]
\[\begin{multline*} v15\_tempSlow(ta10) = s15\_RPCTA2 \cdot \frac{ s15\_temp2000 }{ s15\_tsens} \end{multline*}\]
\[\begin{multline*} \frac{ \left(v15\_tempFast(ta10) - v15\_tempFast(ta10-1)\right) }{ s15\_deltat\_box } = \frac{ 0.5 }{ s15\_RPCTT1 } \cdot \left( \left(s15\_RPCTA1 \cdot \frac{ v15\_forcComp(ta10,'TTL') }{ 3.7 }- v15\_tempFast(ta10)\right) + \left(s15\_RPCTA1 \cdot \frac{ v15\_forcComp(ta10-1,'TTL') }{ 3.7 }- v15\_tempFast(ta10-1)\right) \right) \end{multline*}\]
\[\begin{multline*} \frac{ \left(v15\_tempSlow(ta10) - v15\_tempSlow(ta10-1)\right) }{ s15\_deltat\_box } = \frac{ 0.5 }{ s15\_RPCTT2 } \cdot \left( \left(s15\_RPCTA2 \cdot \frac{ v15\_forcComp(ta10,'TTL') }{ 3.7 }- v15\_tempSlow(ta10)\right) + \left(s15\_RPCTA2 \cdot \frac{ v15\_forcComp(ta10-1,'TTL') }{ 3.7 }- v15\_tempSlow(ta10-1)\right) \right) \end{multline*}\]
\[\begin{multline*} v15\_temp(ta10) = v15\_tempFast(ta10) + v15\_tempSlow(ta10) \end{multline*}\]
Forcing overshoot for damage function
\[\begin{multline*} vm\_forcOs(t) = v15\_forcKyo(t) - s15\_gr\_forc\_kyo + v15\_slackForc(t) \end{multline*}\]
link to core
\[\begin{multline*} vm\_emiAllGlob(ttot,enty) = v15\_emi(ta10,FOB10) \end{multline*}\]
$IF %cm_so2_out_of_opt% == "on" q15_linkEMI_aer(ttot2ta10(ttot, ta10),emiaer2climate10(emiaer,FOB10)).. p15_so2emi(ttot,emiaer) =e= v15_emi(ta10,FOB10);
interpolation for linking (annual resolution of climate modules)
\[\begin{multline*} v15\_emi(ta10,FOB10) = \left(1-p15\_interpol(ta10)\right) \cdot v15\_emi(ttot,FOB10) + p15\_interpol(ta10) \cdot v15\_emi(ttot+1,FOB10) \end{multline*}\]
Limitations There are no known limitations.
In this realization, concentration, forcing, and temperature values are calculated using a MAGICC6.4. MAGICC is run in between iterations and can be used to adapt carbon tax pathways and budgets to meet a give climate target.
HERE goes the code for the iterative adjustment of the emission budget for SSP runs emission budgets are adjusted, such that a predefined forcing target in 2100 is met the actual 2100 forcing after each iteration is calculated by a magicc run started from GAMS
$include "./core/magicc.gms";
Execute "Rscript run_magicc.R";
Execute "Rscript read_DAT_TOTAL_ANTHRO_RF.R";
Execute_Loadpoint 'p15_forc_magicc' p15_forc_magicc;
Execute "Rscript read_DAT_SURFACE_TEMP.R";
Execute_Loadpoint 'p15_magicc_temp' pm_globalMeanTemperature = pm_globalMeanTemperature;
pm_globalMeanTemperature(tall)$(tall.val gt 2300) = 0;
calibrate temperature (GMT anomaly) to match HADCRUT4 in 2000. This ensures that different MAGICC configurations start at the same observed temperature.
$ifthen.cm_magicc_calibrateTemperature2000 %cm_magicc_calibrateTemperature2000% == "HADCRUT4"
Calibrate temperature such that anomaly in 2006-2015 reference period is 0.97 (SR1.5 Table 2.2, footnote 1)
s15_tempOffset2010 = sum(tall$(tall.val gt 2005 and tall.val le 2015),pm_globalMeanTemperature(tall))/10;
display s15_tempOffset2010;
pm_globalMeanTemperature(tall) = pm_globalMeanTemperature(tall) - s15_tempOffset2010 + 0.97;
display pm_globalMeanTemperature;
p15_gmt_conv = 100*smax(t,abs(pm_globalMeanTemperature(t)/max(p15_gmt0(t),1e-8) -1));
display p15_gmt_conv;
p15_gmt0(tall) = pm_globalMeanTemperature(tall);
pm_globalMeanTemperatureZeroed1900(tall) = pm_globalMeanTemperature(tall) + 0.092;
$ifthen.cm_magicc_tirf "%cm_magicc_temperatureImpulseResponse%" == "on"
if( ((iteration.val le 10) or ( mod(iteration.val,5 ) eq 0)) ,
execute "Rscript run_magicc_temperatureImpulseResponse.R";
execute_loadpoint 'pm_magicc_temperatureImpulseResponse' pm_temperatureImpulseResponseCO2 = pm_temperatureImpulseResponse;
Iterative adjustment of budgets or carbon taxes to meet forcing target
if (cm_iterative_target_adj eq 2, !! otherwise adjustment happens in core/postsolve.gms
Iterative adjustment for budget runs: scale current budget with the ratio of target forcing s15_gr_forc_os to current forcing p15_forc_magicc. The offset is only there to increase the speed of convergence, the values have no physical meaning. For low stabilization targets (rcp2.0, rcp2.6, rcp3.7) the target is the 2100 forcing target (s15_rcpCluster eq 1), for lower targets the forcing target is valid during the full century (s15_rcpCluster eq 0).
if ((cm_emiscen eq 6),
display sm_budgetCO2eqGlob, s15_gr_forc_os, p15_forc_magicc;
if (s15_rcpCluster eq 1,
* (s15_gr_forc_os - s15_forcing_budgetiterationoffset)
/ (p15_forc_magicc("2100") - s15_forcing_budgetiterationoffset)
* (s15_gr_forc_os - s15_forcing_budgetiterationoffset)
/ (p15_forc_magicc("2100") - s15_forcing_budgetiterationoffset)
elseif (s15_rcpCluster eq 0),
* (s15_gr_forc_nte - s15_forcing_budgetiterationoffset)
/ (smax(tall,p15_forc_magicc(tall)) - s15_forcing_budgetiterationoffset)
* (s15_gr_forc_nte - s15_forcing_budgetiterationoffset)
/ (smax(tall,p15_forc_magicc(tall)) - s15_forcing_budgetiterationoffset)
display sm_budgetCO2eqGlob;
Iterative adjustment for carbon tax runs: scale current tax pathway with the ratio of target forcing s15_gr_forc_os to current forcing p15_forc_magicc. The offset is only there to increase the speed of convergence, the values have no physical meaning. For low stabilization targets (rcp2.0, rcp2.6, rcp3.7) the target is the 2100 forcing target (s15_rcpCluster eq 1), for lower targets the forcing target is valid during the full century (s15_rcpCluster eq 0).
if (cm_emiscen eq 9,
display pm_taxCO2eq, s15_gr_forc_os, p15_forc_magicc;
if (s15_rcpCluster eq 1,
* ((p15_forc_magicc("2100") - s15_forcing_budgetiterationoffset_tax - max(0,(cm_startyear-2020)/20))
/ (s15_gr_forc_os - s15_forcing_budgetiterationoffset_tax - max(0,(cm_startyear-2020)/20)))**1.2
elseif (s15_rcpCluster eq 0),
* ((smax(tall,p15_forc_magicc(tall)) - s15_forcing_budgetiterationoffset_tax - max(0,(cm_startyear-2020)/20))
/ (s15_gr_forc_nte - s15_forcing_budgetiterationoffset_tax - max(0,(cm_startyear-2020)/20)))**1.2
pm_taxCO2eq(t,regi)$(t.val gt 2110) = pm_taxCO2eq("2110",regi); !! to prevent huge taxes after 2110 and the resulting convergence problems, set taxes after 2110 equal to 2110 value
display pm_taxCO2eq;
Limitations There are no known limitations.
Limitations There are no known limitations.
Description | Unit | A | B | C | |
p15_conroh (tall) |
concentration of OH, derived from ACC2 | x | |||
p15_conroh_interpol (tall) |
auxiliary parameter | x | |||
p15_emicapregi (tall, all_regi) |
regional emission caps, used for calculation of global emission cap | x | x | ||
p15_epsilon (tall) |
discounting parameter of emissions according to the IRF function | x | |||
p15_forc_magicc (tall) |
actual radiative forcing as calculated by magicc | \(W/m^2\) | x | x | |
p15_gmt_conv | global mean temperature convergence | x | |||
p15_gmt0 (tall) |
global mean temperature convergence saved for the next iteration | x | |||
p15_oghgf_crbbb (tall) |
exogenous forcings from RCP: carbonaceous aerosols from biomass burning | x | x | x | |
p15_oghgf_ffbc (tall) |
exogenous forcings from RCP: black carbon from fossil fuels | x | x | x | |
p15_oghgf_ffoc (tall) |
exogenous forcings from RCP: organic carbon from fossil fuels | x | x | x | |
p15_oghgf_h2ostr (tall) |
exogenous forcings from RCP: stratospheric water vapor | x | x | x | |
p15_oghgf_hfc (tall) |
exogenous forcings from RCP: HFCs | x | x | x | |
p15_oghgf_luc (tall) |
exogenous forcings from RCP: albedo change due to land-use change | x | x | x | |
p15_oghgf_minaer (tall) |
exogenous forcings from RCP: mineral dust | x | x | x | |
p15_oghgf_montreal (tall) |
exogenous forcings from RCP: montreal gases | x | x | x | |
p15_oghgf_nitaer (tall) |
exogenous forcings from RCP: nitrates | x | x | x | |
p15_oghgf_o3str (tall) |
exogenous forcings from RCP: stratospheric ozone | x | x | x | |
p15_oghgf_o3trp (tall) |
exogenous forcings from RCP: tropospheric ozone | x | x | x | |
p15_oghgf_pfc (tall) |
exogenous forcings from RCP all in W/m^2: PFCs | x | x | x | |
p15_oghgf_sf6 (tall) |
exogenous forcings from RCP: SF6 | x | x | x | |
p15_so2emi (tall, all_enty) |
parameter to update so2 emissions between iterations | x | |||
p15_ta_val (tall) |
auxiliary parameter | x | |||
q15_cc (tall) |
carbon cycle with prescriptor-corrector method | x | |||
q15_clisys (tall) |
temperature equations | x | |||
q15_clisys01 (tall) |
temperature equations initial condition time scale 1 | x | |||
q15_clisys02 (tall) |
temperature equations initial condition time scale 2 | x | |||
q15_clisys1 (tall) |
temperature equations time scale 1 | x | |||
q15_clisys2 (tall) |
temperature equations time scale 2 | x | |||
q15_concCH4Q (tall) |
CH4 concentration | x | |||
q15_concN2OQ (tall) |
N2O concentration | x | |||
q15_forc_kyo (tall) |
calculation of total radiative forcing of Kyoto gases | x | |||
q15_forc_os (tall) |
calculate forcing overshoot | x | |||
q15_forc_rcp (tall) |
calculation of rcp forcing | x | |||
q15_forcbc (tall) |
calculation of bc from fossil fuels forcing | x | |||
q15_forcCH4Q (tall) |
CH4 radiative forcing | x | |||
q15_forcco2 (tall) |
calculation of co2 forcing | x | |||
q15_forcN2OQ (tall) |
N2O radiative forcing | x | |||
q15_forcoc (tall) |
calculation of oc from fossil fuels forcing | x | |||
q15_forcso2 (tall) |
calculation of direct so2 forcing | x | |||
q15_forctotal (tall) |
calculation of total radiative forcing | x | |||
q15_interEMI (ta10, ttot, FOB10) |
interpolates timesteps of core model to one year timesteps | x | |||
q15_linkEMI (ttot, ta10, all_enty, FOB10) |
links total global emissions to the climate system | x | |||
s15_bc2005 | black carbon emissions from fossil fuels in 2005 (Tg BC) | x | |||
s15_c0 | preindustrial co2 in ppmv | x | |||
s15_c2000 | concentration in 2000 in ppmv (multigas-boxmodel) | x | |||
s15_ca0 | amplitude 0 of CC IRF | x | |||
s15_ca1 | amplitude 1 of CC IRF | x | |||
s15_ca2 | amplitude 2 of CC IRF | x | |||
s15_ca3 | amplitude 3 of CC IRF | x | |||
s15_cconvi | conversions factor gtc into ppmv | x | |||
s15_CNVCH4 | Conversion factor from mass (TgCH4) to concentration (ppb) | \(TgCH4/ppb\) | x | ||
s15_CNVN2O | Conversion factor from mass (TgN) to concentration (ppb) | \(TgN/ppb\) | x | ||
s15_CONCH4PRE | Preindustrial CH4 concentration | \(ppb\) | x | ||
s15_CONN2O2000R | Reference concentration of nitrous oxide in 2000 | \(ppb\) | x | ||
s15_CONN2OPRE | Preindustrial N2O concentration | \(ppb\) | x | ||
s15_cq0 | cumulated emissions 1750-1999 | x | |||
s15_cq1 | cumulated emissions 1750-1999 decayed with s15_ctau1 | x | |||
s15_cq2 | cumulated emissions 1750-1999 decayed with s15_ctau2 | x | |||
s15_cq3 | cumulated emissions 1750-1999 decayed with s15_ctau3 | x | |||
s15_ctau1 | time scale 1 of CC IRF | x | |||
s15_ctau2 | time scale 2 of CC IRF | x | |||
s15_ctau3 | time scale 3 of CC IRF | x | |||
s15_DELTAT | Time step of model run | \(yr\) | x | ||
s15_deltat_box | box model time step lenght in yr | x | |||
s15_diffrad | difference in 2100 radiative forcing to target | x | |||
s15_dso1990 | direct aerosol forcing in 1900 (w per m2) | x | |||
s15_enatso2 | natural so2 emissions (tgs per a) | x | |||
s15_fcodb | radiative forcing for a doubling of co2 (w per m2) | x | |||
s15_forcing_budgetiterationoffset | offset for the calculation of iteratively adjusted budget | x | |||
s15_forcing_budgetiterationoffset_tax | offset for the calculation of iteratively adjusted budget | x | |||
s15_gr_conc | CO2 concentration target | \(ppm\) | x | ||
s15_gr_forc_kyo | guardrail for 450 ppm Kyoto forcing, adapted between negishi iterations | x | x | x | |
s15_gr_forc_kyo_gdx | gdx value which may override the default | x | |||
s15_gr_forc_kyo_nte | guardrail for 550 ppm Kyoto forcing, adapted between negishi iterations | x | x | x | |
s15_gr_forc_kyo_nte_gdx | gdx value which may override the default value | x | |||
s15_gr_forc_nte | not to exceed radiative forcing target | \(W/m^2\) | x | x | |
s15_gr_forc_os | overshoot radiative forcing target from 2100 on | \(W/m^2\) | x | x | |
s15_gr_temp | guardrail for temperature anomaly relative to preindustrial | \(K\) | x | ||
s15_iso1990 | indirect aerosol forcing in 1900 (w per m2) | x | |||
s15_NATCH4 | Natural methane emission | \(TgCH4/yr\) | x | ||
s15_NATN2O | Natural nitrous oxide emission | \(TgN/yr\) | x | ||
s15_oc2005 | organic carbon emissions from fossil fuels in 2005 (Tg OC) | x | |||
s15_OVERLEXP1 | CH4-N2O overlap exponent | \(1\) | x | ||
s15_OVERLEXP2 | CH4-N2O overlap exponent | \(1\) | x | ||
s15_OVERLFAC1 | CH4-N2O overlap modeling factor | \(W/m^2\) | x | ||
s15_OVERLFAC2 | CH4-N2O overlap modeling factor | \(1\) | x | ||
s15_OVERLFAC3 | CH4-N2O overlap modeling factor | \(1\) | x | ||
s15_rcpCluster | clustering of rcp_scen for the iterative traget adjustment | x | |||
s15_RHOCH4 | Coefficient for CH4 radiative forcing calculation | \(W/(m^2*ppb^0.5)\) | x | ||
s15_RHON2O | Coefficient for N2O radiative forcing calculation | \(W/(m^2*ppb^0.5)\) | x | ||
s15_RPCTA1 | amplitude 1 (temperature response) | x | |||
s15_RPCTA2 | amplitude 2 (temperature response) | x | |||
s15_RPCTT1 | time scale 1 (temperature response) (per year) | x | |||
s15_RPCTT2 | time scale 2 (temperature response) (per year) | x | |||
s15_SENTAUN2O | Sensitivity coefficient of N2O lifetime | \(ln(yr)/ln(ppb)\) | x | ||
s15_so1990 | so2 emissions in 1990 (tgs per a) | x | |||
s15_TAUCH4OH | Methane lifetime with respect to OH depletion | \(yr\) | x | ||
s15_TAUCH4SS | Methane lifetime with respect to stratospheric depletion and soil uptake | \(yr\) | x | ||
s15_TAUN2O | nitrous oxide lifetime | \(yr\) | x | ||
s15_temp2000 | temperature increase in 2000 in K | x | |||
s15_tempOffset2010 | mean temperature in 2010 from MAGICC | x | |||
s15_tsens | climate sensitivity for a doubling of co2 | x | |||
v15_conc (tall, FOB10) |
Atmospheric concentrations of direct and indirect forcing agents within the box model | x | |||
v15_emi (tall, FOB10) |
Anthropogenic emissions (both energy and non-energy related emissions) | x | |||
v15_forcComp (tall, FOBBOX10) |
radiative forcing of box multi forcing agents | x | |||
v15_forcKyo (tall) |
radiative forcing of box Kyoto gases | x | |||
v15_forcRcp (tall) |
radiative forcing from agents considered in the RCPs (total forcing excluding LUC, MINAER, NITAER) | x | |||
v15_slackForc (tall) |
slack variable to calculate forcing overshoot | x | |||
v15_temp (tall) |
global mean temperature | x | |||
v15_tempFast (tall) |
temperature in fast box | x | |||
v15_tempSlow (tall) |
temperature in slow box | x |
description | |
all_enty | all types of quantities |
all_regi | all regions |
descr_box(descr) | ??? |
emiaer(all_enty) | ??? |
emiaer2climate10(emiaer, FOB10) | ??? |
emis2climate10(all_enty, FOB10) | ??? |
enty(all_enty) | all types of quantities |
FOB10 | Forcing agents and ozone depleting substances with specified emissions |
FOBBOX10 | forcing agents for box-multigas model including aerosols and oghg |
FOBEMI(FOB10) | REMIND-emissions-related forcings |
in(all_in) | All inputs and outputs of the CES function |
iteration | iterator for main (Negishi/Nash) iterations |
modules | all the available modules |
regi(all_regi) | all regions used in the solution process |
run | iterator for performance test iterations |
t(ttot) | modeling time, usually starting in 2005, but later for fixed delay runs |
ta10(tall) | points in time for ACC2 |
ta2ttot10(ta10, ttot) | transformation parameter ta10 and ttot |
tall | time index |
ttot(tall) | time index with spin up |
ttot2ta10(ttot, ta10) | transformation parameter ttot and ta10 |
Jessica Strefler, Michaja Pehl, Christoph Bertram