MAgPIE - An Open Source land-use modeling framework


created with goxygen 1.4.4

Land Conversion Costs (39_landconversion)


The land conversion cost module calculates costs for the conversion from one land type to another (e.g. conversion from forest to cropland). Land conversion plays an important role for the overall model dynamics, in particular in terms of CO2 emissions from land-use change. Expansion of agricultural land is one of the major options in the model to increase agricultural production, besides yield increases (13_tc, 14_yields) and trade (21_trade).


Interfaces to other modules


module inputs (A: calib)
  Description Unit A
(t_all, i)
Interest rate in each region and timestep \(\%/yr\) x
(j, land)
Land expansion \(10^6 ha\) x
(j, land)
Land reduction \(10^6 ha\) x


module outputs
  Description Unit
(j, land)
Costs for land expansion and reduction \(10^6 USD_{05MER}/yr\)


(A) calib

This realization accounts for land conversion costs of cropland, pasture, forestry and urban land. Costs for expansion of pasture, forestry and urban land are global and static over time. For cropland, a regional and time-dependent calibration factor is applied on global costs for land expansion, complemented by a reward for cropland reduction in selected regions, for a better match of regional cropland in 2015 with historic data. The calibration factor for costs of cropland expansion is lifted to a minium of 1 in all regions by 2050.

The sum of costs for land expansion and land reduction is multiplied with an annuity factor to distribute these costs over time.

\[\begin{multline*} vm\_cost\_landcon(j2,land) = \left(vm\_landexpansion(j2,land) \cdot \sum_{ct,cell(i2,j2)} i39\_cost\_establish(ct,i2,land) - vm\_landreduction(j2,land) \cdot \sum_{ct,cell(i2,j2)} i39\_reward\_reduction(ct,i2,land)\right) \cdot \sum_{cell(i2,j2),ct}\left(\frac{pm\_interest(ct,i2)}{\left(1+pm\_interest(ct,i2)\right)}\right) \end{multline*}\]

Limitations Data availability for land conversion costs is very limited.



module-internal objects (A: calib)
  Description Unit A
(t_all, i, type39)
Calibration factor for costs of cropland expansion \(1\) x
(t, i, type39)
Calibration factor for costs of cropland expansion and rewards for cropland reduction \(1\) x
(t, i, land)
Land expansion costs \(USD_{05MER}/hectare\) x
(t, i, land)
Reward for land reduction \(USD_{05MER}/hectare\) x
(j, land)
Calculation of cellular landconversion costs \(10^6 USD_{05MER}/yr\) x
s39_cost_establish_crop Cost for cropland expansion before calibration \(USD_{05MER}/hectare\) x
s39_cost_establish_forestry Cost for foresty land expansion \(USD_{05MER}/hectare\) x
s39_cost_establish_past Cost for pasture land expansion \(USD_{05MER}/hectare\) x
s39_cost_establish_urban Cost for urban land expansion \(USD_{05MER}/hectare\) x
s39_ignore_calib Switch for ignoring calibration factors \(1\) x
s39_reward_crop_reduction Reward for cropland reduction before calibration \(USD_{05MER}/hectare\) x


sets in use
cell(i, j) number of LPJ cells per region i
ct(t) Current time period
factors factors included in factor requirements
i all economic regions
i2(i) World regions (dynamic set)
j number of LPJ cells
j2(j) Spatial Clusters (dynamic set)
land Land pools
t_all(t_ext) 5-year time periods
t(t_all) Simulated time periods
type GAMS variable attribute used for the output
type39 Cost type


Florian Humpenöder, Jan Philipp Dietrich, Ulrich Kreidenweis

See Also

10_land, 11_costs, 12_interest_rate
