MAgPIE - An Open Source land-use modeling framework


created with goxygen 1.4.4

Pasture (31_past)


The pasture module determines land used as pasture for livestock rearing. At the same time, it calculates geographically explicit production of pasture biomass and the carbon content of pasture land. Therefore, the module requires cellular information about the carbon density related to the different pasture carbon pools. Furthermore, it delivers regional production costs associated with pastures and biodiversity values for pasture and rangeland.


Interfaces to other modules


module inputs (A: endo_jun13 | B: grasslands_apr22 | C: static)
  Description Unit A B C
(bii_class44, potnatveg)
Biodiversity Intactness Index coefficients \(unitless\) x x x
(t_all, j, land, c_pools)
LPJmL carbon density for land and carbon pools \(tC/ha\) x x x
(j, luh2_side_layers10)
luh2 side layers \(grid cell share\) x x x
(t_all, h)
Historical managed pasture tau \(1\) x
(j, land)
Land area in previous time step including possible changes after optimization \(10^6 ha\) x
(t, j, land, consv_type)
Land protection and restoration for all land types \(10^6 ha\) x x
sm_fix_cc year until which all parameters affected by cc are fixed to historical values \(year\) x
(j, landcover44, potnatveg)
Biodiversity stock for all land cover classes \(Mha\) x x x
(j, land, c_pools, stockType)
Carbon stock in vegetation soil and litter for different land types \(10^6 tC\) x x x
(j, land)
Land area of the different land types \(10^6 ha\) x x x
(j, k)
Production in each cell \(10^6 tDM/yr\) x x
(h, tautype)
Agricultural land use intensity tau \(1\) x
(j, kve, w)
Yields (variable because of technical change) \(tDM/ha/yr\) x


module outputs
  Description Unit
Costs for putting animals on pastures \(10^6 USD_{05MER}/yr\)


(A) endo_jun13

In the endo_jun13 realization, pasture area and related carbon stocks are modelled endogenously. The initial spatially explicit patterns of pasture are defined in the module 10_land by the land use input data set. For future time steps, pasture area depends on the demand for biomass from pastures to feed livestock as calculated in the module 70_livestock and from the intensity of pasture utilization (“pasture yield”) as determined in the module 14_yields.

Production of pasture biomass is restricted to pasture area which is delivered as module output together with the resulting geographically explicit production of pasture biomass. Cellular production is calculated by multiplying pasture area vm_land with cellular rainfed pasture yields vm_yld which are delivered by the module 14_yields:

\[\begin{multline*} vm\_prod(j2,"pasture") \leq vm\_land(j2,"past") \cdot vm\_yld(j2,"pasture","rainfed") \end{multline*}\]

On the basis of the required pasture area, cellular above ground carbon stocks are calculated:

\[\begin{multline*} vm\_carbon\_stock(j2,"past",ag\_pools,stockType) = m\_carbon\_stock(vm\_land,fm\_carbon\_density,"past") \end{multline*}\]

In the initial calibration time step, where the pasture calibration factor is calculated that brings pasture biomass demand and pasture area in balance, small costs are attributed to the production of pasture biomass in order to avoid overproduction of pasture in the model:

\[\begin{multline*} vm\_cost\_prod\_past(i2) = \sum_{cell(i2,j2)} vm\_prod(j2,"pasture") \cdot s31\_fac\_req\_past \end{multline*}\]

For all following time steps, factor requriements s31_fac_req_past are set to zero. By estimating the different area of managed pasture and rangeland via the luh2 side layers, the biodiversity value for pastures and rangeland is calculated in following:

\[\begin{multline*} vm\_bv(j2,"manpast",potnatveg) = vm\_land(j2,"past") \cdot fm\_luh2\_side\_layers(j2,"manpast") \cdot fm\_bii\_coeff("manpast",potnatveg) \cdot fm\_luh2\_side\_layers(j2,potnatveg) \end{multline*}\]

\[\begin{multline*} vm\_bv(j2,"rangeland",potnatveg) = vm\_land(j2,"past") \cdot fm\_luh2\_side\_layers(j2,"rangeland") \cdot fm\_bii\_coeff("rangeland",potnatveg) \cdot fm\_luh2\_side\_layers(j2,potnatveg) \end{multline*}\]

Total grassland area cannot be smaller than legally protected grassland area

Limitations No consideration of generic differences between extensive and intensive grazing systems, of explicit pasture management options and of related degradation of pastures.

(B) grasslands_apr22

In the grasslands_apr22 realization, grassland areas and related carbon stocks are modelled endogenously. The initial spatially explicit patterns of grasslands (“past”) are defined in the module 10_land by the land use input data set. These areas are further divided into rangelands and managed pastures under different management assumptions. For future time steps, grasslands spatial distribution depend on the demand of grass biomass to feed livestock as calculated in the module 70_livestock and from the intensity of grassland utilization (“grassland yields”). Grassland yields are defined separately for rangelands and managed pasture based on historical estimates or areas and biomass production for these two systems. Managed pastures yields can be increased endogenously by investments in technology as calculated in 13_tc. Rising yields alter the nitrogen budged on grasslands triggering costs for N inorganic fertilization as calculated in 50_nr_soil_budget and control the balance between intensive and extensive grass biomass production.

Grassland production is estimated by multiplying grassland areas and yields. Technological change is applied to managed pastures yields through ‘vm_tau’, whereas rangeland yields are kept unaltered after the preloop calibration of ‘i31_grass_yields’.

\[\begin{multline*} vm\_prod(j2,"pasture") \leq v31\_grass\_area(j2,"range") \cdot \sum_{ct}i31\_grass\_yields(ct,j2,"range") + v31\_grass\_area(j2,"pastr") \cdot \sum_{ct}i31\_grass\_yields(ct,j2,"pastr") \cdot \sum_{cell(i2,j2), supreg(h2,i2)}\left(\frac{ vm\_tau\left(h2, "pastr"\right) }{ fm\_pastr\_tau\_hist("y1995",h2)}\right) \end{multline*}\]

The sum of managed pastures and rangelands areas equal the parent land class pastures areas in ‘vm_land’.

\[\begin{multline*} vm\_land(j2,"past") = \sum_{grassland} v31\_grass\_area(j2,grassland) \end{multline*}\]

To avoid unrealistic conversions between rangelands and managed pastures areas, a cost is associated with the expansion of rangelands and managed pastures ‘v31_cost_grass_expansion’ in comparison with areas in the previous time step ‘pc31_grass’.

\[\begin{multline*} v31\_cost\_grass\_expansion\left(j2, grassland\right) \geq \left(v31\_grass\_area\left(j2, grassland\right) - pc31\_grass(j2,grassland)\right) \cdot s31\_cost\_expansion \end{multline*}\]

Cost of production account for the cost of moving animals to grassland areas plus the costs of expanding aras of production.

\[\begin{multline*} vm\_cost\_prod\_past(i2) = \sum_{cell(i2,j2)} vm\_prod(j2,"pasture") \cdot s31\_cost\_grass\_prod + \sum_{cell(i2,j2), grassland} v31\_cost\_grass\_expansion(j2,grassland) \end{multline*}\]

On the basis of the required pasture area, cellular above ground carbon stocks are calculated:

\[\begin{multline*} vm\_carbon\_stock(j2,"past",ag\_pools,stockType) = m\_carbon\_stock(vm\_land,fm\_carbon\_density,"past") \end{multline*}\]

By estimating the different area of managed pasture and rangeland via the luh2 side layers, the biodiversity value for pastures and rangeland is calculated in following:

\[\begin{multline*} vm\_bv(j2,"manpast",potnatveg) = vm\_land(j2,"past") \cdot fm\_luh2\_side\_layers(j2,"manpast") \cdot fm\_bii\_coeff("manpast",potnatveg) \cdot fm\_luh2\_side\_layers(j2,potnatveg) \end{multline*}\]

\[\begin{multline*} vm\_bv(j2,"rangeland",potnatveg) = vm\_land(j2,"past") \cdot fm\_luh2\_side\_layers(j2,"rangeland") \cdot fm\_bii\_coeff("rangeland",potnatveg) \cdot fm\_luh2\_side\_layers(j2,potnatveg) \end{multline*}\]

Grassland yields for rangelands and managed pastures are calibrated to match estimated historical pasture productivity. The following equations calibrate the grassland cellular yield patterns (‘f31_grassl_yld’) to match ‘estimated historical yields’ (‘i31_grass_hist_yld’) by calculating a calibration term called ‘i31_grass_calib’. For most cases, ‘i31_grass_calib’ is the ratio of the ‘i31_grass_hist_yld’ and modeled yields (‘i31_grass_modeled_yld’) given historic grassland area patterns (‘i31_grassl_areas’) and cellular yields coming from crop models like LPJmL ‘f31_grassl_yld’. In these cases, ‘i31_grass_calib’ represents a purely relative calibration factor that depends only on the initial conditions of the starting year.

However, when estimated yields ‘i31_grass_hist_yld’ are significantly higher than given by the cellular yield inputs ‘f31_grassl_yld’ we refer to this as an underestimated baseline. In this situation the relative calibration terms can lead to unrealistically large yields in the case of future yield increases within the cellular yield patterns.

To address this issue, we introduce the factor ‘i31_lambda_grass’ that determines the degree to which the baseline ‘i31_grass_hist_yld’ is under- or overestimated by the modeled yields ‘i31_grass_modeled_yld’. This factor is used to control whether the calibration factor is applied as an absolute or relative change. For ‘i31_grass_hist_yld’ smaller than ‘i31_grass_modeled_yld’ (overestimated baseline) ‘i31_lambda_grass’ is 1, which is equivalent to an entirely relative calibration. For underestimated yields, ‘i31_lambda_grass’ is calculated as the squared root of the ratio between modeled yields ‘i31_grass_modeled_yld’ and the historical estimates ‘i31_grass_hist_yld’. For underestimated yields, as ‘i31_lambda_grass’ approaches 0, it reduces the applied relative change resulting in a mean change increasingly similar to an additive term (Heinke et al. (2013)). This concept is referred to as limited calibration, as it limits the calibration to an additive term in case of a strongly underestimated baseline. The scalar

i31_grass_yields(t,j,grassland) = f31_grassl_yld(t,j,grassland,"rainfed");
i31_grassl_areas(t_all,j) =  sum(grassland, f31_LUH2v2(t_all,j,grassland));
i31_grass_hist_yld(t_past,i,grassland) = (f31_grass_bio(t_past,i, grassland) /
                sum(cell(i,j),f31_LUH2v2(t_past,j,grassland)))$(sum(cell(i,j), f31_LUH2v2(t_past,j,grassland))>0);
   = (sum(cell(i,j),i31_grass_yields(t_past,j,grassland) * f31_LUH2v2(t_past,j,grassland)) /
      sum(cell(i,j),f31_LUH2v2(t_past,j,grassland)))$(sum(cell(i,j), f31_LUH2v2(t_past,j,grassland))>0)
   + (sum(cell(i,j),i31_grassl_areas(t_past,j) * i31_grass_yields(t_past,j,grassland)) /
      sum(cell(i,j),i31_grassl_areas(t_past,j)))$(sum(cell(i,j), f31_LUH2v2(t_past,j,grassland))=0);
          if    ((s31_limit_calib = 0),
               i31_lambda_grass(t,i,grassland) = 1;
          Elseif (s31_limit_calib =1 ),
               i31_lambda_grass(t,i,grassland) =
                    1$(i31_grass_hist_yld(t,i,grassland) <= i31_grass_modeled_yld(t,i,grassland))
                    + sqrt(i31_grass_modeled_yld(t,i,grassland)/i31_grass_hist_yld(t,i,grassland))$
                    (i31_grass_hist_yld(t,i,grassland) > i31_grass_modeled_yld(t,i,grassland));
          i31_grassl_yld_hist_reg(t,i,grassland) = i31_grass_hist_yld(t,i,grassland);
          i31_grass_modeled_yld(t,i,grassland) = i31_grass_modeled_yld(t-1,i,grassland);
          i31_grassl_yld_hist_reg(t,i,grassland)  = i31_grassl_yld_hist_reg(t-1,i,grassland);
          i31_lambda_grass(t,i,grassland)   = i31_lambda_grass(t-1,i,grassland);

The calibrated cellular yield ‘i31_grass_yields’ is calculated for each time step depending on the constant values ‘i31_grass_modeled_yld’, ‘i31_grassl_yld_hist_reg’, ‘i31_lambda_grass’ and the uncalibrated, cellular yield ‘f31_grassl_yld’ following the idea of eq. (9) in Heinke et al. (2013):

i31_grass_calib(t,j,grassland) =
  1 + (sum(cell(i,j), i31_grassl_yld_hist_reg(t,i,grassland) - i31_grass_modeled_yld(t,i,grassland)) /
                             f31_grassl_yld(t,j,grassland,"rainfed") *
      (f31_grassl_yld(t,j,grassland,"rainfed") / (sum(cell(i,j),i31_grass_modeled_yld(t,i,grassland))+10**(-8))) **
i31_grass_yields(t,j,"range") = i31_grass_yields(t,j,"range") * i31_grass_calib(t,j,"range");
i31_grass_yields(t,j,"pastr") = i31_grass_yields(t,j,"pastr") * i31_grass_calib(t,j,"pastr");

Note that the calculation is split into two parts for better readability.

Socioeconomic and environmental conditions determine the potential managed pastures areas (‘i31_manpast_suit’). ‘i31_manpast_suit’ is estimated by determining areas with more than five inhabitants per km2 and with aridity greater than 0.5 following the methodology established by Klein Goldewijk et al. (2017)

v31_grass_area.up(j,"pastr") = i31_manpast_suit(t,j);

Total grassland area cannot be smaller than legally protected grassland area

vm_land.lo(j,"past") = sum(consv_type, pm_land_conservation(t,j,"past",consv_type));

Limitations At the moment this realization only runs with a single climate scenario (SPP1-RCP2p6 from MRI_ESM-0), which is used in all (except constant climate) settings. We currently do not accout for specific differences within intensive pasture management systems and related degradation of grasslands for both rangelands or managed pastures. Grass production costs and conversion costs between grassland types are set 1 USD05MER per unit due to lack of data.

(C) static

In the static realization, pasture areas are constant over time, independent from developments in the livestock sector and land competition.

Pasture areas are fixed to the initial spatially explicit patterns defined in the module 10_land by the land use input data set.

vm_land.fx(j,"past") = pcm_land(j,"past");

Correspondingly, also the above ground carbon stocks related to pasture areas are fixed.

vm_carbon_stock.fx(j,"past",ag_pools) =

Also the biodiversity value (BV) for pasture is fixed

vm_bv.fx(j,"manpast",potnatveg) =
          pcm_land(j,"past") * fm_luh2_side_layers(j,"manpast") * fm_bii_coeff("manpast",potnatveg) * fm_luh2_side_layers(j,potnatveg);
vm_bv.fx(j,"rangeland",potnatveg) =
          pcm_land(j,"past") * fm_luh2_side_layers(j,"rangeland") * fm_bii_coeff("rangeland",potnatveg) * fm_luh2_side_layers(j,potnatveg);

Regional costs associated with pasture management are set to zero.

vm_cost_prod_past.fx(i) = 0;

Limitations There are no computational limitations to this realization. Since pasture areas are static, they do not respond to demand trajectories and trends in the land use and agricultural sectors like intensification pathways, increasing production of animal products, bioenergy production or afforestation policies. This may lead to an inconsistent overall picture of future land use dynamics.



module-internal objects (A: endo_jun13 | B: grasslands_apr22 | C: static)
  Description Unit A B C
(t_all, i, grassland)
Estimated regional grass biomass consumption in the past \(tDM\) x
(t_all, j, grassland, w)
LPJmL potential yields per cell (rainfed only) \(tDM/ha\) x
(t_all, j, f31_luh)
LUH2v2 land classes separating rangelands from managed pastures x
(t_all, j)
Areas suitable for pasture management \(10^6 ha\) x
(t_all, j, grassland)
Regional grassland calibration factor correcting for FAO yield levels \(1\) x
(t_all, i, grassland)
FAO gassland yields \(tDM/ha\) x
(t_all, i, grassland)
Biophysical input yields average over region and grassland cover type at the historical reference year \(tDM/ha\) x
(t_all, j, grassland)
Cellular biophysical input yields \(tDM/ha\) x
(t_all, j)
Celullar grassland areas \(10^6 ha\) x
(t, i, grassland)
Grassland FAO yields per region at the historical referende year \(tDM/ha\) x
(t, i, grassland)
Grassland Scaling factor for non-linear management calibration \(1\) x
(t_all, j)
Areas suitable for managed pastures \(10^6 ha\) x
(j, grassland)
Grassland areas in previous time step \(10^6 ha\) x
(j, potnatveg)
Biodiversity value for managed pastures \(Mha\) x x
(j, potnatveg)
Biodiversity value for rangeland \(Mha\) x x
(j, ag_pools, stockType)
Above ground carbon content calculation for pasture \(10^6 tC\) x x
Costs for putting animals on pastures \(10^6 USD_{05MER}/yr\) x x
(j, grassland)
Grassland expansion cost constraint \(10^6 USD_{05MER}\) x
Total grassland calculation \(10^6 ha\) x
Cellular pasture production constraint \(10^6 tDM/yr\) x
Cellular grass production constraint \(10^6 tDM/yr\) x
s31_cost_expansion Grasslands expansion costs \(USD_{05MER}/hectare\) x
s31_cost_grass_prod Grasslands factor costs \(USD_{05MER}/tDM\) x
s31_fac_req_past Factor requirements \(USD_{05MER}/tDM\) x
s31_limit_calib Relative managament calibration switch \(1=limited 0=pure relative\) x
(j, grassland)
Costs of grassland expansion \(10^6 USD_{05MER}\) x
(j, grassland)
Grassland areas \(10^6 ha\) x


sets in use
ag_pools(c_pools) Above ground carbon pools
bii_class44 bii coefficent land cover classes
c_pools Carbon pools
cell(i, j) number of LPJ cells per region i
consv_type Type of land conservation
ct(t) Current time period
f31_luh LHUv2 land cover types
grass_from31(grassland) pasture management options
grass_to31(grassland) pasture management options
grassland(f31_luh) Grassland cover types (pastr = managed pastures and range = rangelands)
h all superregional economic regions
h2(h) Superregional (dynamic set)
i all economic regions
i2(i) World regions (dynamic set)
j number of LPJ cells
j2(j) Spatial Clusters (dynamic set)
k(kall) Primary products
kve(k) Land-use activities
land Land pools
landcover44 land cover classes used in bii calculation
luh2_side_layers10 side layers from LUH2
potnatveg(luh2_side_layers10) potentially forested biomes
stockType Carbon stock types
supreg(h, i) mapping of superregions to its regions
t_all(t_ext) 5-year time periods
t_past(t_all) Timesteps with observed data
t(t_all) Simulated time periods
tautype tc type
type GAMS variable attribute used for the output
w Water supply type


Isabelle Weindl, Jan Philipp Dietrich, Marcos Alves

See Also

09_drivers, 10_land, 11_costs, 13_tc, 14_yields, 17_production, 22_land_conservation, 44_biodiversity, 52_carbon, 56_ghg_policy


Heinke, J., S. Ostberg, S. Schaphoff, K. Frieler, C. Müller, D. Gerten, M. Meinshausen, and W. Lucht. 2013. “A New Climate Dataset for Systematic Assessments of Climate Change Impacts as a Function of Global Warming.” Geoscientific Model Development 6 (5): 1689–1703.
Klein Goldewijk, Kees, Arthur Beusen, Jonathan Doelman, and Elke Stehfest. 2017. “Anthropogenic Land Use Estimates for the Holocene – HYDE 3.2.” Earth System Science Data 9 (2): 927–53.