MAgPIE - An Open Source land-use modeling framework


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Labor Productivity (37_labor_prod)


This module provides a labor productivity factor, which reflects the efficiency of labor under changing environmental conditions (1 = no change).


Interfaces to other modules


module inputs (A: exo | B: off)
  Description Unit A B
sm_fix_cc year until which all parameters affected by cc are fixed to historical values \(year\) x


module outputs
  Description Unit
(t, j)
labor productivity factor \(1\)


(A) exo

This realization accounts for climate change impacts on labor productivity, based on ESM experiments from the LAMACLIMA project Heat‐induced impacts on labor productivity have been calculated using the methodology described in Orlov et al. (2021). Heat-induced impacts on labor productivity are available for two different metrics (HOTHAPS and ISO) and work intensity levels (300W and 400W). The Hothaps function describes the relationship between workability and the wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT). WBGT is a heat index that measures heat stress impacts of temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation. The ISO standards describe the frequency and duration of rest breaks at work under different levels of heat stress. Work intensity: 300W and 400W stand for the level of work intensity measured in Watts (W), at which the impacts are estimated. The higher work intensity, the stronger is the heat exposure. For instance, the impacts of heatstress on labor productivity under 300W are less than under 400W. In previous studies, the level of work intensity in agriculture is assumed to be 400W. However, work intensity differs by region due to different levels of mechanization. While 400W is plausible for manual work, mechanized work is less labor intensity.

Limitations Climate change impacts on labor productivity are currently only available for RCP1.9 and RCP8.5.

(B) off

In this realization labor productivity is fixed to a value of 1, which implies no change over time.

Limitations The impacts of changing environmental conditions on labor productivity are not accounted for.



module-internal objects (A: exo | B: off)
  Description Unit A B
(t_all, j, rcp37, metric37, intensity37, uncertainty37)
labor productivity factor \(1\) x


sets in use
intensity37 work intensity level
j number of LPJ cells
metric37 labor productivity impact metric
rcp37 climate change impact scenarios
t_all(t_ext) 5-year time periods
t(t_all) Simulated time periods
uncertainty37 ESM uncertainty


Florian Humpenöder, Michael Windisch

See Also

09_drivers, 37_labor_prod, 38_factor_costs


Orlov, Anton, Anne Sophie Daloz, Jana Sillmann, Wim Thiery, Clara Douzal, Quentin Lejeune, and Carl Schleussner. 2021. “Global Economic Responses to Heat Stress Impacts on Worker Productivity in Crop Production.” Economics of Disasters and Climate Change, August.