This module calculates the costs for agricultural production which is exogenous to REMIND.
Description | Unit | A | B | C | |
pm_macCost (tall, all_regi, all_enty) |
abatement costs for all emissions subject to MACCs (type emiMacSector) | x |
Description | Unit | |
pm_NXagr (tall, all_regi) |
Net agricultural exports | |
pm_totLUcosts (tall, all_regi) |
Total landuse costs (agriculture, bioenergy, MAC, etc). In standalone runs MAC costs are substituted by costs from the endogenous REMIND-MAC | \(T\$US\) |
Agricultural production costs in REMIND consist of the following components: actual production costs (land conversion, crop cultivation, irrigation, technological change, …), bioenergy costs, cost for abating emissions accruing from agricultural activity (marginal abatement costs = MAC cost).
Agricultural production costs in REMIND consist of the following components: actual production costs (land conversion, crop cultivation, irrigation, technological change, …), bioenergy costs, cost for abating emissions accruing from agricultural activity (marginal abatement costs = MAC cost).
Total agricultural costs (including MAC costs) Total agricultural costs for REMIND standalone runs (not coupled to MAgPIE) are read from a lookup table dependent of SSP and RCP. The costs have been derived from MAgPIE runs and include bioenergy and MAC costs. In coupled runs landuse costs are directly transferred from MAgPIE run instead of reading them from the look-up table.
$if %cm_MAgPIE_coupling% == "off" p26_totLUcosts_withMAC(ttot,regi) = p26_totLUcostLookup(ttot,regi,"%cm_LU_emi_scen%","%cm_rcp_scen%");
$if %cm_MAgPIE_coupling% == "on" p26_totLUcosts_withMAC(ttot,regi) = p26_totLUcost_coupling(ttot,regi);
Land use emissions MAC cost In standalone runs land use MAC costs are calcualted endogenously in REMIND. Since they are also included in the exogenous total landuse costs (p26_totLUcostLookup) they need to besubstracted from these total landuse costs. In coupled runs the land use MAC is deactivated in REMIND and MAC costs are included in the total land use costs that are transferred from MAgPIE.
$if %cm_MAgPIE_coupling% == "off" p26_macCostLu(ttot,regi) = p26_macCostLuLookup(ttot,regi,"%cm_LU_emi_scen%","%cm_rcp_scen%");
$if %cm_MAgPIE_coupling% == "on" p26_macCostLu(ttot,regi) = 0;
Total agricultural costs (excluding MAC costs) For standalone runs replace exogenous land use MAC cots (p26_macCostLu) with endogenous land use MAC costs (pm_macCost). Note: dont include mac costs for CO2luc, because they are already implicitly included in p26_totLUcosts_withMAC (and not in p26_macCostLu). In coupled runs these two components are zero and the original data from MAgPIE are used.
pm_totLUcosts(ttot,regi) = p26_totLUcosts_withMAC(ttot,regi) - p26_macCostLu(ttot,regi) + sum(enty$(emiMacMagpie(enty) AND (NOT emiMacMagpieCO2(enty))), pm_macCost(ttot,regi,enty));
Bioenergy costs For standalone and coupled runs costs for biomass production are calculated endogenously (v30_pebiolc_costs). Since they are also included in the exogenous total landuse costs (p26_totLUcostLookup) they need to be substracted from these total landuse costs. This is done in the biomass module (30_biomass) by calculating them before the main solve as a parameter (p30_pebiolc_costs_emu_preloop), and during the optimization substracting this parameter from the fuel costs while including the variable v30_pebiolc_costs.
Agricultural production costs in REMIND consist of the following components: actual production costs (land conversion, crop cultivation, irrigation, technological change, …), bioenergy costs, cost for abating emissions accruing from agricultural activity (marginal abatement costs = MAC cost).
Limitations There are no known limitations.
Limitations There are no known limitations.
Limitations There are no known limitations.
Description | Unit | A | B | C | |
p26_macCostLu (tall, all_regi) |
Land use emissions MAC cost | \(T\$US\) | x | ||
p26_macCostLuLookup (tall, all_regi, all_LU_emi_scen, all_rcp_scen) |
land use emissions MAC cost from MAgPIE | x | |||
p26_totLUcostLookup (tall, all_regi, all_LU_emi_scen, all_rcp_scen) |
regional total landuse cost | x | |||
p26_totLUcosts_withMAC (tall, all_regi) |
Total landuse costs including agricultural MAC costs (agriculture, bioenergy, MAC, etc) | \(T\$US\) | x |
description | |
all_enty | all types of quantities |
all_LU_emi_scen | all emission baselines for CH4 and N2O land use emissions from MAgPIE |
all_rcp_scen | all possible RCP scenarios |
all_regi | all regions |
emiMacMagpie(all_enty) | types of climate-relevant non-energy emissions with mac curve where baseline emissions come from MAgPIE only |
emiMacMagpieCO2(all_enty) | types of climate-relevant non-energy CH4 emissions with mac curve where baseline emissions come from MAgPIE only |
enty(all_enty) | all types of quantities |
modules | all the available modules |
regi(all_regi) | all regions used in the solution process |
tall | time index |
ttot(tall) | time index with spin up |
Franziska Piontek, David Klein
01_macro, 80_optimization, core