The Model of Agricultural Production and its Impact on the Environment (MAgPIE) is developed and used to assess the competition for land and water and the associated consequences for sustainable development under future scenarios of rising food, energy and material demand as well as production, climate change impacts and greenhouse gas mitigation and different land related policies (Dietrich et al. (2019)).
MAgPIE is a global partial equilibrium model of the land-use sector that operates in a recursive dynamic mode and incorporates spatially explicit information on biophysical constraints into an economic decision making process (Lotze-Campen et al. (2008)). It takes regional economic conditions such as elastic demand for agricultural commodities, technological development and production costs as well as spatially explicit data on biophysical constraints into account. Geographically explicit data on biophysical conditions are provided by the Lund-Potsdam-Jena managed land model (LPJmL) (Bondeau et al. (2007), Müller and Robertson (2014)) on a 0.5 degree resolution and include e.g. carbon densities of different vegetation types, agricultural productivity such as crop yields and water availability for irrigation. Based on the strong interaction with LPJmL, MAgPIE can also help to assess the consequences of climate change and increased CO2 in the atmosphere on the land-use sector (Stevanovic et al. (2016))
Available land types in MAgPIE are cropland, pasture area, forest, other land (including non-forest natural vegetation, abandoned agricultural land and deserts) and settlements. Cropland (rainfed and irrigated), pasture, forest and other land are endogenously determined, while settlement areas are assumed to be constant over time. The cropland covers cultivation of different crop types (e.g. temperate and tropical cereals, maize, rice, oilseeds, roots), both rainfed and irrigated systems, and two 2nd generation bioenergy crop types (grassy and woody).
Taking into account international trade based on historical trade patterns and economic competitiveness (21_trade), global production has to meet demand for food, feed, seed, processing, bioenergy and material demand (16_demand). Food demand is derived based on population growth (09_drivers) and dietary transitions, accounting for changes in intake and food waste, the shift in the share of animal calories, processed products, fruits and vegetables as well as staples (15_food). Primary products can be processed to secondary products such as sugar, oil or ethanol (20_processing). The quantity of livestock production in combination with dynamic regional and livestock-specific feed baskets determines the demand for feed (70_livestock). The supply of animal-based food commodities is divided into five livestock production activities (ruminant meat, pig meat, poultry meat, eggs and milk) (Weindl et al. (2017)). The spatial distribution of crops (30_crop), livestock (71_disagg_lvst) and pasture (31_past) in MAgPIE is guided by geographically explicit information on vegetation growth and the balance between crop water demand and water availability, by initial land cover distribution maps as well as by economic conditions like trade barriers (21_trade), management intensity (13_tc) and transport costs (40_transport). It therefore integrates information about market access into the model’s optimization process that determines where cropping activities and livestock production are allocated to. Parts of forests and other natural land area can be excluded from conversion into agricultural land if designated for wood production or located in protected areas (32_forestry, 35_natveg) (Kreidenweis et al. (2018)).
Due to computational constraints, all model inputs in 0.5 degree resolution are aggregated to simulation units for the optimization process (80_optimization) based on a clustering algorithm (Dietrich, Popp, and Lotze-Campen (2013)).
MAgPIE estimates flows of different land-based greenhouse gases (GHGs). CO2 emissions are computed from land-use change dynamics, i.e. from conversion of different biomes into agricultural land and consequent loss of terrestrial carbon stocks (Popp et al. (2014)), also including the depletion of organic matter in soils (59_som). The land also serves as a sink for atmospheric carbon when agricultural land is set aside from production and the associated regrowth of natural vegetation generates negative emissions from land-use change. Nitrogen emissions (51_nitrogen) are estimated based on nitrogen budgets for croplands, pastures ([50_nr_budgets]) and the livestock sector (55_awms) (Bodirsky et al. (2014)). CH4 emissions are based on livestock feed and rice cultivation areas (Popp, Lotze-Campen, and Bodirsky (2010)). In the case of mitigation policies for the land sector, the model can reduce CO2 emissions by restraining land-use conversion and consequent carbon release as well as CH4 and N emissions by applying improved agricultural management (such as anaerobic digesters for CH4 capture from animal waste, or use of fertilizer spreaders) (Popp et al. (2014), Stevanovic et al. (2017)). In addition, the model covers land-based carbon removal technologies such as bioenergy with carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) and afforestation (Humpenöder et al. (2014), Humpenöder et al. (2017), Kreidenweis et al. (2016)).
In response to all involved demand for agricultural commodities, costs of production, biophysical constraints and land-related policies, MAgPIE simulates major dynamics of the land-use sector like investments in research and development (R&D) (13_tc) (Dietrich et al. (2014)) and associated increases in both crop yields (14_yields) and biomass removal through grazing on pastures (31_past), land use change (39_landconversion), interregional trade flows (21_trade), and irrigation (41_area_equipped_for_irrigation).
The MAgPIE GAMS code folllows the coding etiquette as described below.
Use the following prefixes:
The prefixes have to be extended in some cases by a second letter
Sets are treated slightly different: Instead of adding a prefix sets should get a 2-digit number suffix giving the number of the module in which the set is exclusively used. If the set is used in more than one module no suffix should be given.
The prefixes have to be extended by a second letter in some more cases
Besides prefixes also suffixes should be used. Suffixes should indicate the level of aggregation of an object:
Input files
Jan Philipp Dietrich, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Isabelle Weindl, Florian Humpenöder, Miodrag Stevanovic, Ulrich Kreidenweis, Xiaoxi Wang, Kristine Karstens, Abhijeet Mishra, Felicitas Dorothea Beier, Edna Johanna Molina Bacca, David Klein, Geanderson Ambrósio, Ewerton Araujo, Anne Biewald, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Alexander Popp
Dietrich J, Bodirsky B, Weindl I, Humpenöder F, Stevanovic M, Kreidenweis U, Wang X, Karstens K, Mishra A, Beier F, Molina Bacca E, Klein D, Ambrósio G, Araujo E, Biewald A, Lotze-Campen H, Popp A (2020). “MAgPIE - An Open Source land-use modeling framework - Version 4.2.0.” doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1418752 (URL:, <URL:>.
title = {MAgPIE - An Open Source land-use modeling framework - Version 4.2.0},
author = {Jan Philipp Dietrich and Benjamin Leon Bodirsky and Isabelle Weindl and Florian Humpenöder and Miodrag Stevanovic and Ulrich Kreidenweis and Xiaoxi Wang and Kristine Karstens and Abhijeet Mishra and Felicitas Dorothea Beier and Edna Johanna {Molina Bacca} and David Klein and Geanderson Ambrósio and Ewerton Araujo and Anne Biewald and Hermann Lotze-Campen and Alexander Popp},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.1418752},
date = {2020-04-15},
year = {2020},
url = {},
cff-version: 1.0.3
message: If you use this model, please cite it as below.
- family-names: Dietrich
given-names: Jan Philipp
affiliation: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- family-names: Bodirsky
given-names: Benjamin Leon
affiliation: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- family-names: Weindl
given-names: Isabelle
affiliation: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- family-names: Humpenöder
given-names: Florian
affiliation: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- family-names: Stevanovic
given-names: Miodrag
affiliation: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- family-names: Kreidenweis
given-names: Ulrich
affiliation: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- family-names: Wang
given-names: Xiaoxi
affiliation: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- family-names: Karstens
given-names: Kristine
affiliation: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- family-names: Mishra
given-names: Abhijeet
affiliation: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- family-names: Beier
given-names: Felicitas Dorothea
affiliation: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- family-names: Molina Bacca
given-names: Edna Johanna
affiliation: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- family-names: Klein
given-names: David
affiliation: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- family-names: Ambrósio
given-names: Geanderson
affiliation: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- family-names: Araujo
given-names: Ewerton
affiliation: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- family-names: Biewald
given-names: Anne
affiliation: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- family-names: Lotze-Campen
given-names: Hermann
affiliation: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
- family-names: Popp
given-names: Alexander
affiliation: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
title: MAgPIE - An Open Source land-use modeling framework
version: 4.2.0
date-released: '2020-04-15'
- landuse
- modeling
- nlp
- partial equilibrium
doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1418752
license: AGPL-3.0-or-later
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