MAgPIE - An Open Source land-use modeling framework


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Marginal Abatement Cost Curves (57_maccs)


This module describes technical mitigation of GHG emissions. It allows to reduce GHG emissions by undertaking mitigation measures in exchange for additional mitigation costs. The technical mitigation measures include, for example, better spreader maintenance, feed additives or investments in animal waste management facilities. Please note that technical mitigation is possible only in the “on” module realization below. For simplicity, we considered only the effects of mitigation measure costs and emissions. Their direct consequences on biophysical values like yields or water requirements is ignored at the moment.

Mitigation costs are estimated using marginal abatement cost curves (MACCs). The curves are applied on the original emissions before technical mitigation (btm), and reduce them by a certain percentage in exchange for additional costs. The MACCs used in this module are based on the data from Lucas et al. (2007).


Interfaces to other modules


module inputs (A: off_jul16 | B: on_sep16)
  Description Unit A B
(t_all, i, pollutants)
Certificate prices for N2O-N CH4 CO2-C used in the model \(USD_{05MER}/Mg\) x
(i, emis_source, pollutants)
Regional emissions before technical mitigation \(Tg/yr\) x


module outputs
  Description Unit
(t, i, emis_source, pollutants)
Technical mitigation of GHG emissions \(percent\)
Costs of technical mitigation of GHG emissions \(10^6 USD_{95MER}/yr\)


(A) off_jul16

Technical mitigation is not considered in this realization.

Accordingly, this implementation sets the cost of technical mitigation of GHG emissions (vm_maccs_costs) to zero. Please see and compare this with the equation in the next realization.

vm_maccs_costs.fx(i) = 0;
im_maccs_mitigation(t,i,emis_source,pollutants) = 0;

Limitations It is unrealistic to assume no technical mitigation attempts.

(B) on_sep16

Unlike the previous realization, this implementation allows for the possibility that non-CO2 emissions can be reduced by technical mitigation at additional costs.

Therefore, the equation below is used to estimate the mitigation costs. It is simply calculated as a product of GHG emissions before technical mitigation (vm_btm_reg), and the costs per unit of technical mitigation (p57_maccs_costs_integral). The mitigation costs will go into the objective function of the model.

\[\begin{multline*} vm\_maccs\_costs(i2) \geq \sum_{ct,emis\_source}\left( p57\_maccs\_costs\_integral(ct,i2,emis\_source,"n2o\_n\_direct") \cdot vm\_btm\_reg(i2,emis\_source,"n2o\_n\_direct") + p57\_maccs\_costs\_integral(ct,i2,emis\_source,"ch4") \cdot vm\_btm\_reg(i2,emis\_source,"ch4") \right) \end{multline*}\]

Limitations There are still issues related to data quality used by our source.



module-internal objects (A: off_jul16 | B: on_sep16)
  Description Unit A B
(t_all, i, maccs_ch4, maccs_steps)
CH4 MACC from Image model \(percent\) x
(t_all, i, maccs_n2o, maccs_steps)
N2O MACC from Image model \(percent\) x
(t, i)
Helper to map CH4 prices and maccs_steps \(1\) x
(t, i)
Helper to map N2O prices and maccs_steps \(1\) x
(t, i, emis_source, pollutants)
Costs of technical mitigation \(USD_{95MER}/Tg N CH4 C\) x
Calculation of total costs of technical mitigation \(10^6 USD_{95MER}/yr\) x


sets in use
awms animal waste management systems
ct(t) Current time period
emis_source Emission sources
emis_source_awms_ch4(emis_source) subset awms emissions
emis_source_awms_manure_n2o(emis_source) subset awms_manure_n2o
emis_source_ent_ferm_ch4(emis_source) subset ent_ferm emissions
emis_source_inorg_fert_n2o(emis_source) subset inorg_fert_n2o emissions
emis_source_rice_ch4(emis_source) subset rice emissions
i all economic regions
i2(i) World regions (dynamic set)
maccs_ch4 ch4 mitigation categories with MACCS
maccs_n2o n2o mitigation categories with MACCS
maccs_steps maccs tax level steps
pollutants(pollutants_all) subset of pollutants_all that can be taxed
t_all 5-year time periods
t(t_all) Simulated time periods
type GAMS variable attribute used for the output


Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, Florian Humpenoeder

See Also

11_costs, 56_ghg_policy


Lucas, Paul L., Detlef P. van Vuuren, Jos G. J. Olivier, and Michel G. J. den Elzen. 2007. “Long-Term Reduction Potential of Non-Co2 Greenhouse Gases.” Environmental Science & Policy 10 (2): 85–103.