MAgPIE - An Open Source land-use modeling framework


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Interest rate (12_interest_rate)


Interest rates are used in MAgPIE as a risk-accounting factor associated with investment activities (Wang et al. 2016). Interest rates are required for inter-temporal calculations in the model such as shifting investment from one time step to another or distribution of one-time investments over several time steps (e.g. in the modules 13_tc, 39_landconversion and 41_area_equipped_for_irrigation).


Interfaces to other modules


module inputs (A: glo_jan16 | B: reg_feb18)
  Description Unit A B
(t_all, i)
Development state according to the World Bank definition where 0=low income country 1=high income country in high income level \(1\) x
(t_all, i)
Per capita income in purchasing power parity \(USD_{05PPP}/cap/yr\) x


module outputs
  Description Unit
Current interest rate in each region \(\%/yr\)


(A) glo_jan16

In the glo_jan16 realization, interest rates are identical in all regions. The initial global interest rate is 7% (in 1995) for all scenarios defined in scen12. It undergoes a transition towards 4%, 7% and 10% until 2030 for the low-, medium- and high- interest rate scenarios, respectively.

Limitations There are no known limitations.

(B) reg_feb18

The reg_feb18 realization is the default setting, in which the interest rate depends on the development state im_development_state, which is calculated based on GDP per capita. Thus, interest rates are regionally specific and dynamic over time.

s12_min_dev = smin(i,im_development_state("y1995",i));
s12_max_dev = smax(i,im_development_state("y1995",i));
s12_slope_a = (f12_interest_bound("y1995","high")-f12_interest_bound("y1995","low"))/(s12_min_dev-s12_max_dev);
s12_intercept_b = f12_interest_bound("y1995","high")-s12_slope_a*s12_min_dev;
p12_interest(t_all,i) = s12_slope_a *im_development_state(t_all,i) + s12_intercept_b;

Limitations There are no known limitations.



module-internal objects (A: glo_jan16 | B: reg_feb18)
  Description Unit A B
(t_all, scen12)
Interest rate scenarios \(\%/yr\) x
(t, bound12)
Lower and higher bounds of interest rates \(\%/yr\) x
(t_all, i)
Interest rate \(\%/yr\) x x
s12_intercept_b Intercept of the linear relationship between development state and interest rate \(1\) x
s12_max_dev Maximum development_state of all regions in 1995 \(1\) x
s12_min_dev Minimum development_state of all regions in 1995 \(1\) x
s12_slope_a Slope of the linear relationship between development state and interest rate \(1\) x


sets in use
bound12 Bound for interest rate
dev Economic development status
i all economic regions
scen12 Interest rate scenarios
scen12_to_dev(scen12, dev) Mapping between interest scneario and economic development status
t_all 5-year time periods
t_to_i_to_dev(t_all, i, dev) Mapping between time region and economic development status
t(t_all) Simulated time periods


Xiaoxi Wang

See Also

09_drivers, 12_interest_rate, 13_tc, 39_landconversion, 41_area_equipped_for_irrigation, 56_ghg_policy


Wang, Xiaoxi, Anne Biewald, Jan Philipp Dietrich, Christoph Schmitz, Hermann Lotze-Campen, Florian Humpenöder, Benjamin Leon Bodirsky, and Alexander Popp. 2016. “Taking Account of Governance: Implications for Land-Use Dynamics, Food Prices, and Trade Patterns.” Ecological Economics 122 (February): 12–24.