REMIND - REgional Model of INvestments and Development


created with goxygen 1.1.0

Calibration of PE and FE parameters (04_PE_FE_parameters)


This realization calibrates PE and FE parameters


Interfaces to other modules
Interfaces to other modules


module inputs (A: iea2014)
  Description Unit A
(char, all_te)
energy technology characteristics: investment costs, O&M costs, efficiency, learning rates … x
(all_regi, char, all_te)
Large array for most technical parameters of technologies; more detail on the individual technical parameters can be found in the declaration of the set ‘char’ x
(tall, all_regi, all_enty, char)
Energy trade bounds based on IEA data. x
sm_EJ_2_TWa multiplicative factor to convert from EJ to TWa x


module outputs
  Description Unit
(all_regi, all_enty, all_enty)
energy own consumption in the extraction sector with first enty being the output produced and the second enty being the input required
(all_regi, all_enty)
average growth rate of fe use from 1995 to 2005
(all_regi, all_enty, all_enty, all_te)
Energy input based on IEA data
(all_regi, all_enty, all_enty, all_te, all_enty)
own consumption


(A) iea2014

This realization used IEA data from 2014. The realization iea2014 serves to caliibrate the conversion efficiencies to be consistent with predefined dataset (here iea2014, but it is flexible for up-dates). The module realization starts with the final energy demands and then derives backwards what the secondary and primary energy demands have been. The file datainput.gms reads in the energy data related to each process. The process related inputs are contained in input/f04_IO_input.cs4r and the output are contained in input/f04_IO_output.cs4r. These files also contain all information about existing and statistically reported joint production processes. Based on these energy flows the corresponding conversion efficiencies that replicate these energy flows. The efficiencies are assigned to the parameter pm_data(,“eta”,).

Limitations There are no known limitations.



module-internal objects (A: iea2014)
  Description Unit A
(tall, all_regi, all_enty, all_enty, all_te)
Energy input based on IEA data x
(tall, all_regi, all_enty, all_enty, all_te)
Energy output based on IEA data x
(all_regi, char, all_te)
auxiliary parameter to store the initial mix0 and eta values for gas electricity before splitting it to ngcc and ngt (needed as long as calibration routine sets ngt to 0) x
(all_regi, all_enty)
regional fuel extraction for the base year calibration x
(all_regi, all_enty, all_enty, all_te)
Energy output based on IEA data x
(all_enty, all_enty, all_te, all_enty)
global couple products x
Share of ngt in electricity produced from gas x
(all_regi, all_enty)
share of oil and gas extraction in all regions x
(all_regi, all_enty, all_enty, all_te, all_te)
parameter for the allocation of energy flow to technologies x


sets in use
all_enty all types of quantities
all_regi all regions
all_te all energy technologies, including from modules
bi2s(all_enty, all_enty, all_te, all_te) match ESM fe for buildings and industry to stationary
char characteristics of technologies
en2en(all_enty, all_enty, all_te) all energy conversion mappings
en2en2(all_enty, all_enty, all_te) alias of en2en: all energy conversion mappings
enty(all_enty) all types of quantities
entyFe(all_enty) final energy types. Calculated in sets_calculations
entyFeTrans(all_enty) final energy types from transport sector
entyPe(all_enty) Primary energy types (PE)
entySe(all_enty) secondary energy types
in(all_in) All inputs and outputs of the CES function
in2enty(all_enty, all_enty, all_te, all_te) match ESM fe to CES structure
in2enty2(all_enty, all_enty, all_te, all_te) alias of in2enty
modules all the available modules
pc2te(all_enty, all_enty, all_te, all_enty) mapping for own consumption of technologies
pe2se(all_enty, all_enty, all_te) map primary energy carriers to secondary
regi(all_regi) all regions used in the solution process
se2fe(all_enty, all_enty, all_te) map secondary energy to end-use energy using a technology
tall time index
te(all_te) energy technologies
ttot(tall) time index with spin up
uet2fet(all_enty, all_enty, all_te, all_te) match ESM fe for ue-items of the transport sector to final energy of the transport sector


See Also

04_PE_FE_parameters, 05_initialCap, 24_trade, 32_power, 40_techpol, 45_carbonprice, 70_water, core
