The production module calculates regional production of MAgPIE commodities from cluster level production data.
Description | Unit | A | |
fm_croparea (t_all, j, w, kcr) |
Different croparea type areas | 106ha | x |
pm_yields_semi_calib (j, kve, w) |
Potential yields calibrated to FAO regional levels | tDM/ha/yr | x |
Description | Unit | |
pm_prod_init (j, kcr) |
Production initialization for year 1995 | tDM/yr |
vm_prod (j, k) |
Production in each cell | 106tDM/yr |
vm_prod_reg (i, kall) |
Regional aggregated production | 106tDM/yr |
This realization aggregates agricultural production from cluster level j
to regional level i
. Currently, cluster level production is available only for plant commodities, i.e for crops and pastures. Cluster level production of different crops and pasture is calculated in module [30_crop] and 31_past respectively.
The equation above describes regional production of a MAgPIE plant commodity vm_prod_reg
as the sum of the cluster level production vm_prod
of the same commodity.
Limitations For the time being, this approach is not applied to livestock products.
Description | Unit | A | |
q17_prod_reg (i, k) |
Regional production | 106tDM/yr | x |
description | |
cell(i, j) | number of LPJ cells per region i |
i | all economic regions |
i2(i) | World regions (dynamic set) |
j | number of LPJ cells |
j2(j) | Spatial Clusters (dynamic set) |
k(kall) | Primary products |
kall | All products in the sectoral version |
kcr(kve) | Cropping activities |
kve(k) | Land-use activities |
t_all(t_ext) | 5-year time periods |
t(t_all) | Simulated time periods |
type | GAMS variable attribute used for the output |
w | Water supply type |
Benjamin Leon Bodirsky
14_yields, 16_demand, 18_residues, 20_processing, 21_trade, 30_croparea, 31_past, 38_factor_costs, 40_transport, 42_water_demand, 50_nr_soil_budget, 70_livestock, 71_disagg_lvst, 73_timber